Tech giant Google has announced an update to its password manager. This has been updated for the purpose that users can easily use it. This update will further strengthen password security. The new update will allow users to create a shortcut to the Google Password Manager on their Android home screen. The company has started rolling out this update on June 30th.
After the update, users will be able to add passwords automatically to Chrome browser and Android. This feature will also work on Android phones with the Chrome browser on the desktop. The new update will give the password manager a similar interface on Chrome and Android. Google says the new update will give users better password protection than before.
Get the password with a single tap.
With this edition we are offering a simple and unified management experience," said Ali Sarraf, Chrome's product manager, in a blog post. If you have more than one password for the same site or app, we'll automatically group them and for your convenience you'll be able to access your password with a single tap on your Android home screen.
Will help create a unique and strong password.
Google Password Manager can create unique and strong passwords on all platforms, the company said. It also helps ensure that their passwords are not compromised while browsing the web. "We're constantly working to expand this, so when you set up Chrome as your 'autofill provider,' we're giving you the ability to generate passwords for your iOS apps," said Sarraf.
Will mark weak and reuse passwords
Users can now create a strong password for their computer or mobile on any operating system. When you enter your password into a site, Chrome will automatically check their passwords. The company said it will now flag not only tampered credentials, but also weak and reused passwords on Android.
Users will be able to retrieve the password
If Google warns users about their passwords, they can now fix them without the hassle of using the company's automatic password change feature on Android. To keep as many people as possible safe, the company is extending its compromised password warning to all Chrome users on Android, Chrome OS, iOS, Windows, Mac OS and Linux.